Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Letter B Week

Again, I am doing this for my own records, but I have to blog about what we did for letter B.  It was a fun week.  Our verse was "Blessed are they who dwell in your house, for they are ever praising you." Psalm 84:4.  Ava did actually learn this verse and she loves it.  She sometimes mixes it up with Letter A week verse and it come out something like this. . . Blessed are they that dwell in your house, oh, my soul pants for you Oh God.  Kind of funny, but then she usually realizes and corrects herself. :) 

We had a lot of fun with B week.  Some of the activities we did was coloring butterflies, making Blue Bobby Buddy B Bag, and then we walked around and found things that start with B and placed them in the Bag.  The kids loved this one. 
This allowed them to use scissors and glue though they did need some assistance.

We worked on the normal things like writing the letter B and singing the Letter B song.  Then we learned a new song call the "Bumble Bee Song" and the kids loved it.  We sang that a couple times a day and it carried over into C week. :) We also made a list of anything we could think of that started with B.   

Some of the foods we focused on were Bite Size Bagels for Breakfast or Blueberry Pop tarts.  One morning we got up and made Blueberry Muffins for Breakfast and of course that was a hit.  One day we Baked Cookies for a Bake sale and talked about how important it is to Bless others.

We had to pick out a person who's name started with B and take them a Blessing.  Ava was excited cause she realized Erin Berry's name started with B, so we took her some Blueberry Bite muffins and I already blogged about that earlier. :)

Making Blueberry Bites for Erin Berry.

The Best part of B week is the other people who are doing this Curriculum with us.  Michelle and Angel brought over their chillins to hang out and celebrate B week.  We did a ton of fun things.  We started with Decorating Bear gingerbread cookies and they loved it.  Then we had Bagel Bite Pizzas, Broccoli, and Brownies for lunch.  We read the B Book and a few others.  Then we had an exercise time with exercises like the Butterfly, Bridge and so on.  Fun to be creative with that one.  We learned a new song called the B-I-B-L-E sang to the Bingo song tune. 

Helping little man with his Bear Cookies.

Look at Beans finished Bear.

The entire group of kids learning about B.  Camille even had on her Blue Bubble Skirt.

Ava, Olivia and Con man.  They were not so interested in B, but when M week comes they will have it down pat cause they love their MOMMYs.  :)  They are adorable.

Michelle and Camille working on their Bears.

Angel and Lilly have fun painting her Bears.  :)

Over all, B week was a BLAST.  I love this curriculum and I think it gives me some insight on how well Ava will actually do if we decide to do home school.  Who knows. 

Oh, P.S. We did end B week with a new Birthday Bike for Bean and then followed by a week at the Beach.  :) 

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