Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Week - Letter A

Wow, what an Awesome week so far.  We are using this new curriculum I talked about earlier and I love it already.  We have done many activities this week and the kids seem to be enjoying it so far.  Ava loves "having school" and "learning Letters."  She is already able to recite her memory verse which is

Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, Oh God. 

She called her grandparents today to tell them all about how she memorized the verse.  When asking Christian about the verse, he says, "VERSE!!" with much enthusiasm.  :)  He does know and recognize what "A" looks like though.  He also seems to understand the sound of "A" which are two very important things. 

Today, we took Apple Dip and Apples to Aunt Anna and had an Apple Party.  This was fun and taught the kids about serving others and blessing others.  We also had a friend bring us, "Ava's Activity Book" and She was super excited about that.  It was cool for her to see how when you give, you usually get back ten fold.  Pretty neat to have this concept already enforced. :)

We read some stories like "Angel Chores" and "A walk Around the School" and we sang "father Abraham" and the "letter A" song.  Then we did an activity with our arms for exercise.  It has been a fun week and tomorrow, to top it all off, we are painting with apples and making apple prints.

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