Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pappy Saves the Day

There was this morning, when Ava was to have her spring fling party for her class at school. I was the room mom and very crazy busy and a little frazzled, so as we were getting ready for school that morning, I told her we didn't have time for breakfast.  She was complaining and not too happy about it.  She didn't know this, but Pappy Sweetheart was stopping to get Reece and then coming over to watch Christian for me while I went to the party. I hadn't told her because I figured she would rather skip her party and stay home to play with the boys.  So, we here this knock and she opens the door.  Her face lit up like a Christmas Tree when she saw her pappy standing there with a big box of DONUTS for them all to have breakfast together.  She was jumping up and down and squealing all over the place.  Pappy Saved the day.  I love how they are all showing much of their personalities in these pictures.  Oh and her sweetheart of a pappy snuck a zip locked bag with a donut in her lunch box to surprise her later on that day.  She informed me later how excited she was at lunch. :) Brianna later informed me that Sofia was crying about not getting to go with Pappy over to Mimi's house, and so he gave her a donut and she shut right up.  :)

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