Saturday, February 11, 2012

Christian - My Very Own Cookie Monster

Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed this year with Christian being home and Ava being at Home.  Don't get me wrong, I miss her so much.  What I meant was that I really love the way Christian and I have conversations now and he has time to answer the questions I ask him before they are quickly intercepted and answered by his helpful sister. :)  Some of the fun things we do are just sitting and having reading time, or drawing, coloring, watching movies, and baking.  Baking is most definitely Christian's favorite activity and that is for one reason and one reason only.  HE LOVES to TASTE TEST everything.  
This particular day we decided to make chocolate chip cookies with my new mixer. I was trying to help him measure and add the ingredients.  He was really very happy about the idea of making these cookies.  Here is how our conversation went for the process of making of the batter.

Christian - "Can I taste it mommy."
Mommy - "Yes, I guess, here is your bite."
approx. 2 minutes pass
Christian - "Can I try it?
Mommy - "No Sweet heart, just wait."
approx. another minute or so pass
Christian - "Mmmm, that looks good, can I taste it mom?"
Mommy - "no Christian, it doesn't taste any different than when you tried it a few minutes ago.  The ingredients have not changed and we haven't added anything since."
Christian - "Can I have some now?  I love cookies. I want to eat them!!! Please.  Can I taste it?"

and this is the format of the conversation that went on the rest of the process. I did finally reward him with cleaning off the beater for me. :)  He cracks me up.

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