Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can Animals Read?

Micah had some time off work earlier this year and he decided to build a fort for the kiddos, across the little wet weather creek we have behind our house.  I was quite excited about this because I knew this would be something the kids would help him with and really enjoy spending time in and playing with.  Memories outside and not inside in front of a T.V.   Yayy Daddy!!!!

So, the fun starts. . . .Micah went to Lowe's and bought some plywood for the walls.  He knocked a small tree over and placed it across the little creek so the kids could have a small bridge.  Then he tied a rope near the bridge so they could have something to hold onto as they crossed over the bridge.  He spent an entire day carrying the plywood pieces over the little creek and up the hill to set up the tent.  He placed a tarp over the one end to help provide a little shade for some of it, and he built in a small door for the kids to enter the fort.  It is a great place for them to hang out. Below are a few pictures of the children helping him choose the perfect spot to place the fort.

Christian was home to help since he didn't have school, so he was out there with his daddy.  It was later verified to me, that just as the above picture portrays, he was not helping as much as he was playing in the dirt and leaves. :)  Ava on the other hand, cried when she got on the bus, because she wanted to HELP daddy with the fort.  :)  She did as soon as she got off the bus too. Our Goal is to get some time to get out there this summer and paint the plywood with the kiddos and decorate the place up a little. 

We did have to go and get the kids rain boots so they could cross the bridge and "fall in" with their rain boots, so as not to ruin ANOTHER pair of shoes.  Seems they always "fall in" and then they stay there and splash around awhile. . .coming inside a big muddy yucky fun mess.  The best part of the fort was when he finally finished and we were cleaned up and sitting on the couch to have devotions that night.  We were thanking God for our fort and then after we were discussing what to name it.  Ava decided it should be named, "Ava & Christian's Fort" and Christian thought that was a great idea. Then Micah was talking about how we had to put a sign on the door saying, "KEEP OUT!"  Ava got this look on her face as she pondered a thought for awhile.  Then she said, "why, can animals read?!?!"  This was a funny moment for us as we tried to wrap our minds around what she was thinking in her little head.  We were thinking a sign for a for that says, "Keep out!" was just what you do for a fort, and she was thinking it was for the animals so they would keep out. :)  Love my kids.

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