Monday, May 17, 2010

Potty Training Trials

Well, I am a little sad to say, my little man is 3 and a half and still not completely potty trained.  the sad part is it is as much my issue as his, I am sure.  We have actually been pretty close a few times and then something happens and I get a bit lazy and then he starts in his diaper again. 

Our issue with the whole pooping in his diaper is due to the simple fact and issue of the months and years he has struggled with being constipated.  We sometimes wanted him to go so badly, that when he finally went in his diaper, we would all cheer, because we were so worried.  The bad part is, he thinks he still is doing a good thing when he goes in his diaper, because, he says, "yeah mommy, I pooped, It came out!!!" as he claps for himself. Hahha. I guess that is the issue there.

The other issue is he is smart enough and old enough to know to change his own pull-up, so when he goes, he changes.  This is not good, so I hid his diapers.  He was not happy with me about that.  :)

However, for about three days now I have been using his sister along with the reward system and a clock set for 30 minutes all day long.  When the beeper goes off, his sister tells him it is time to pee, so they can both get their reward.  My reward system is two Reese pieces, and they both get them when he pees in the potty.  This actually helps her to help remind him to go.  He still has had a few accidents, but he seems to be doing much better.  I don't know when it will really click, but at least we are using less pull-ups which is great. I figure he will be in boxers before Kindergarten.  :)  Let's hope. hahah.

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