Friday, May 14, 2010

How do our children see us?

I got up this morning and I was thinking of all the things I had planned for the weekend. Trying to get myself excited about having a productive day (hey, I made it until 11:00 am to get on the computer and that is saying something.)  I got my daily coffee fix, called my hubby and chatted with him about a few things and I then proceeded to start my day with the kiddos. 

Most of this week has been very non-productive for me, or so it seems. I wake up, have all these ambitions and then, I wasted time doing things that are not important.  The other evening, while putting the kids to bed, I thought about how fast their lives are rushing by me and soon they would be off and in school along with other activities. I would not be able to spend time with them as I do right now.  So, all that said, today I decided would be a fun day with them.  I was determined to turn off the T.V. and do fun activities with them.  I put on some praise music, actually a CD of kids praise songs and we started singing. The one song was about when Jesus told his disciples to let the children come to him.  We were singing it and then Ava looked up at me with shining eyes and said, "mommy, how bout you be Jesus, and we will come to you."  I knelt down and hugged both of my precious children.
 The words "mommy, how bout you be Jesus!!"  kept ringing in my ears.  Isn't that what our purpose as a parent, to strive and show our children 'Jesus'?  I always knew we were supposed to show Jesus to others and we are to strive to be just like him, but how often do I try and be Jesus for my kids?? I don't mean I think I am perfect, in fact, I am so far from it.  I do however, feel that Micah and I are the individuals directly responsible for our children and their upbringing and we need to make sure we are showing them how to be LIKE JESUS!! 
After this went through my head a little longer, I asked Ava is she thought I was like Jesus?? The night before, we had discussed that Jesus was the only person on this earth that was perfect.  Then we explained that he never sinned.  So when I asked her, she smiled and said, "nope, cause  you get mad when I do bad things and Jesus doesn't do that." This was funny to me, because though she doesn't understand it all yet, I knew she understood that Jesus wouldn't Yell at her and get angry like mommy does.  It made me all the more determined to strive to be the mommy that shows Jesus to them. 

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