Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quizzing and Quilting our way through Q Week

This happened to be a little easier than I expected.  Q is a hard letter to teach and I was worried about how I was going to find enough things to do and also how I was going to find a way to explain how and why Q goes with U.  We explained that it had to do with the fact that Q was a bit shy so he travels with letter U for security.  Then we discussed all the fun Qu words. 

We talked about queens of course and how they are the mothers of Princesses.  This got their attention.   Then we read the story of Queen Esther and explained how awesome it is that God placed her in the right place at the right time, and then used her to save his people.  We talked about how God can do that for us too. Then we also did a devotional on a letter Q and we focused on the word Questions.  How we have so many questions and we don't always know the answers.  Then we talked about to many of our questions we can find the answers in the Bible. We made up a questionnaire and sent it to Nana, pappy, grandma, pappy, Micah and myself.  The kids had fun making the questionnaire and then reading the results.  Ava especially loved this project.

We worked with Quarters and talked about how things many pennies made a quarter, and how much a quarter was worth.  How many quarters it takes to make a dollar too.  Then we had a quarter toss with quarters and cups and we set it up like the dime toss at the carnival.  The kids thought this was so cool since we had just recently been there at the carnival and played this game.  Daddy even joined in and played along.

They had so much fun and daddy had a bum knee, so they brought out the quarter toss game to him. :)

Some of the foods we focused on were Quaker Oats oatmeal, and we made some Quick Quencher drink of orange juice, grape juice, and lemonade.  We used the recipe in the curriculum. 

Some of our activities were coloring a Q shaped as a quarterback for football. This was an activity Christian liked and he really enjoyed putting the face on the quarter back.  We also made a quilt page out of Apple Jacks and glue and this was a fun activity they did and ate while they worked.  Ava worked on patterns with the colors and Christian just pasted them on randomly.  They also practiced writing Qs on the dry eraser board and chalkboard. 

The best part of the week was the excuse we had to play the QUIET game over and over and over again.  you get the point.  This was a huge part of our week. :) I think we will play a game similar to this game on S week, but we shall change the name to the Silent game. :)  However, all said and done, we spent quality time together learning about Q.


  1. As always, I love hearing what you are doing. So creative!

  2. You are doing such an awesome job, Michelle. Every time I read your blog I go get my curriculum and get inspired to start :)
