Monday, July 25, 2011

Christian's Big Catch of the Day

A few weekends ago, we decided to go out with Troy and Carrie and Titus for breakfast and then to Gettysburg for some rock climbing.  By the time we were finished with our breakfast, we realized it was so hot out that we were gonna melt if we proceeded to go rock climbing, so we opted to have a quick switch of plans.  We decided to go home, get our weed eaters and head down to our camping sight at the jig to let the kids go fishing.  Micah had just bought the kids each a small fishing pole of their own, so we were excited to use them.

I sent daddy to the store to get them one that they could both use, he broke and bought two, one girlie one and one boyish one. :)  Softy!!!

It didn't take very long for the kiddos to decided it was too boring to sit still and be quiet while waiting for a fish to bite, so they went a little further down and splashed around for awhile while us parents sat and manned the fishing poles.  They did however like putting corn and worms on to bait their hooks.
Christian was sooo excited. . .I love the look of anticipation on his little face in these two pics.  He was so ready to catch a big fish.

Here Daddy is helping Ava set up her pole.  She got bored, went to play and then came back when daddy saw that she got a bite.  She helped daddy reel it in and she was so excited.  However, she was a bit disappointed that her fish was the smallest catch of the day. :)

Troy and Carrie fished also.  Troy got two bites and he called Titus over to help him reel them in.  Titus reeled one in all by himself and did pretty good but the fish unfortunately swallowed the hook which made for a sad fish.  Titus was just really proud though.

Titus was actually the first catch of the day.  This made Ava and Christian REALLY want a fish on their poles too. :)

The best part of the entire day was when Christian's little pole caught the BIGGEST FISH of the day.  His first fish ever and I couldn't tell you who was more proud and excited. . Daddy or Christian.  It is fair to say it was a pretty good toss up, but both were ecstatic.  It was a large Bass and it was jumping and fighting the entire time.  It took three minutes to reel it in and Micah almost lost Christian's pole twice.  The pole was bending so far I was sure it was gonna snap.  The pole did hang in there though.  At one point, Micah asked Titus for his net, pictured in the above photo, and when he went to use it to scoop up the fish, he realized it wasn't even big enough to hold the fish.  Christian's eyes were priceless and the fish put on quite the show, jumping in and out of the water and fighting for its life. 

My favorite part was seeing how proud little man was.  He was SO excited.  After things settled down, he went to Carrie first and asked if she saw his fish.  Then after she congratulated him, he headed over to Troy to ask the same question.  He continued to do this until he had made sure we had all seen and heard his big fish story.  I couldn't have been happier for him.  It was a great catch. 

Carrie caught a lot of pieces of plastic and junk.  Sometimes a tree or two.  However, we did have fun making fun of her. :)  I couldn't say much, I couldn't even cast right.
Oh and here is another picture of Bean and her fish.  She wasn't scared in the least of the slimy thing. :)  Not a bit like her mama.  Thank goodness. :)

We had a great afternoon and the kids are still talking about their time there.  We are headed back labor day weekend with the family so I am sure we will be fishing again. :)  Ava did find a small toad she played with for the better part of the day, but then we set it free. Not sure there was much life in the poor thing anymore, but hey, she did set it free. :)  Great time with friends.

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