Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ava's Baptism

When Ava first started talking about wanting to get baptized, I was a little nervous as to whether or not she understood what she was asking to do. She talked about it after she saw some others get baptized at church and asked Miss Karla what it meant. We thought we would wait it out and see if she brought it up later, and sure enough she did. Daddy and I sat down and talked to her about what it meant and why she wanted to do it. We shared why we decided to get baptized when we were younger and why we believe as a Christian you are called to follow this step.  We encouraged her to ask others, including grandparents, if they had been and why and what it meant to them.  She kept persisting and we decided that if she said she was ready, then she was, and thus we were ready too. So we went to the baptism class to hear more.  She learned she had to write a testimony to share of what God and Jesus did for her.  I posted her testimony below. 
When the day came, she told me quietly she was nervous, but she didn't back out.  She had no idea that there were so many coming to see her and support her.  Family and friends changed their schedules to be there to support her.  While we were waiting in the back, she peeked out the door to see daddy and there she saw, daddy, Christian, Pappy Sweetheart, Pappy & Grandma Bumbaugh, Her cousins, all of her aunts & uncles and many friends.  She closed the door and said, "mommy, did they all come to see ME???"  I told her yes because they all knew how important this day was for her and they all wanted to be there to see her make this commitment to her God.  Her smile was priceless as she contemplated and reiterated in her heart once again that the decision she was making meant.  Thanks to all who came and loved her through this Awesome Day!! To those who missed, we know you were there in heart. :)

Ava's Baptism Testimony that she wanted to share:

I recognized that I did bad things like not letting my brother come into the games I was playing.  I liked being mean to my brother and that didn't make Jesus happy.  It made him sad.  Sometimes I would lie to my mommy and then I would feel bad.  When I asked Jesus in my heart, I was in the car on my way to Nana and Pappy's house.  I was listening to my Bumbaugh's CD and the song talked about Jesus in my heart.  I asked him, "Jesus, please get in my heart."  I told mommy what I did and we talked about it and what it meant.
Now that Jesus is in my heart, I can be forgiven and go to Heaven.  I want to go to Heaven because I can see Jesus, and Jess, and Pap Pap.  I think Heaven will be nice because you won't get sick and you won't fight, you will be nice.
Sometimes I still want to do mean things, like when my brother makes me mad and I want to hit him, but sometimes I say no because I know Jesus wouldn't be happy.  Sometimes I don't want to do what my mommy and daddy ask me to do, but I try to do it anyway. I have to ask Jesus to forgive me LOTS.

We, along side both sets of her grandparents, have prayed for early salvation for this little girl since she was born. God has granted our requests and our hearts were as happy this day, September 16, 2012 as the day we first held our sweet ANGEL named Ava!!! God is a good and mighty GOD and He is now not only the God of my life and her daddy's life, but truly the one and only God of Ava's life too!!! What a day to celebrate and know that God has a purpose for this sweet angel of ours and He will do big things in her life!!!!! Our hearts sang as the tears were flowing!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!

After Church we all headed to Hoss's for some good food and fellowship. 

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