Saturday, July 14, 2012

Yard Sale

I decided that I don't let my children be KIDS very often.  I constantly have to battle asking them to pick up their clothes and toys and rooms and I very seldom just let them be KIDS.  Make a mess and use their imagination.  So, the other day when I walked back into Christian's room, the mess was enormous and I had to refrain from yelling. I asked what they were doing and they said they were preparing for a yard sale. Then Ava asked me what we were doing next Wed. and I told her nothing, so she said, "can we please have our yard sale next Wed?  We have recognized that we have some things we don't want anymore and so we want to sell them and make money to put in our Disney Banks."  Okay, so that sounds like a very reasonable idea. . . .So I told them they could hold a yard sale. Ava started showing me the pile, which honestly looked like a stock pile of hoarding, but she started to show me all the inventory that they were going to sell.  I had to stifle my laughter as I realized that it was usually one piece of a puzzle or One part to a set of a toy.  I talked to them about not only selling junk because how you have to sell things that people would want to buy. Then I noticed that all the things were out of Christian's things, so I made the kind suggestions that since they had now gone through all of Christian's things, how about they start to go through her things in her room and she can choose some things to sell.  Then I left and listened from afar.  The conversation in her room went much like this. . . .
Christian - "so how about this toy Ava?
Ava - "NOOO, I want to keep that one!"
Christian - "what about this one?"
Ava - "ummm, no I'll keep that one too.  So and so gave that to me"

And as you can imagine, this was the most part of the conversation.  So she was willing to give all of his things away and none of her things. :)  I  had to have another conversation with her about how unfair it was for her to be so willing to give over his items and not her own.  She handled it well and soon we were back on track.  Then came the question, "now, mommy, how will people know about our yard sale?  and what about putting tags on everything to say how many cents it is?  Who will come and do you have anything you want to sell?"  I love her little organized mind.  I told her we would get stickers to put on each toy.  They literally spent two hours preparing and organizing this event.  Then, while daddy was out jogging, they stood outside our door yelling and advertising.  When I went to tell them to come in, they said that they had changed the time and date. The yard sale was to take place today and inside. :)  Here is what I heard them yelling at the top of their lungs. .  "Yard Sale Today. . .Inside for Kids!!!! Yard Sale Inside Today!!!"  This was yelled over and Over by Ava as Christian shook an instrumental shaker and banged on his drums to make noise.  At one point they came in and informed me that they needed a break and a drink, because it was hard work yelling that much!  They did this forever, and finally we had to call them inside, so the neighbors wouldn't get overly annoyed.  It was absolutely hysterical and I had to share.  Below is the sign I found them to have hung on our front door too. . for ALL TO READ!!

 And then of course a small preview of what they are planning to sell at this yard sale.  Thanks to Aunt Bleppies who said she would bring the kids over to check out the stuff. :)  Hahahha.  SO supportive. :)

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable story!! Hope they sold some stuff :)
