Monday, July 30, 2012

Under the Sea Musical

The Kids decided to be a part of the Under the Sea Musical that was being performed through the Five Forks Church during Music Camp.  They were too young to go to the camp for the week, but Shyanne and Grandma made sure they got the CD so they could listen to the songs and then we had to be there Friday and Saturday for the dress rehearsals so they could see what they were supposed to do.  They were the SEA CREATURES and they had to wear hats and swim around on stage behind a tarp that represented water.  They were supposed to swim and smile. . . and they were a hit.  The kids that performed the musical did a fantastic job and put on a grand show!
I wasn't sure if I was going to let them participate but it seemed they really wanted to.  Shiny Bug was helping out with the musical that week, so she was more than happy to see them and they were super excited to hang out with her.  The musical was very well done and I enjoyed watching both times through.  The kids still sing the songs and listen to their CD often and love the musical.  They practically know it by heart.

There was this really cool prop for one of the songs and it was a huge Killer Whale Demo.  Christian was so enthralled by the movie FREE WILLIE and so when I looked over this was what I saw him doing, just like the movie.  He was willing the whale to jump over him and jump to freedom.  Hahha, I had to get the picture and then of course Ava wanted to do it too.

I would say the hardest part for us as parents that were helping out the little kids was entertaining them so they didnt' interfere but so that they were ready for their parts.  Sometimes they just would sit quietly and watch and wait for their part to come, but this didnt' last long considering they were very tired of waiting and they had seen it a few times now.  So we had to come up with games and snacks and stuff while we waited for our cue that we were to go on stage. 
And last but def. not least, we had to grab a photo of me with the kiddos and all of us in costume.  We also had to get a picture of Sweet Callie as she was a part last minute and LOVED it. :)  She got to be the pink fish which made her extremely happy.  All in all it was a great and memorable event and the kids can't wait to do another musical with Five Forks Church. :)

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