Friday, July 27, 2012

Monopoly & The Bumbaugh Duo

Years ago, before we had kids.. .Micah and I got into a Monopoly playing kick.  We played the game every night.  Sometimes the game would take so long that we had to finish it the next night.  These were good memories for the most part.  However, as we all know, Micah likes to WIN.  Don't we all.  But, when he was winning, if he would land on something that owed me a small amount of money, he would give me a bill and tell me to keep the change.   Often the change would be one dollar or even 5 dollars, but either way, he would do it and then laugh hysterically thinking he was so funny.  I didnt' mind but would give him the change back cause I didn't like handouts and he would just keep sneaking me money throughout the game. 
Okay, fast forward about 8 years.  Now we have a six year old that we just introduced to Monopoly.  She LOVES the game and we finally talked daddy into sitting down and playing the game with us.  Well, as luck would have it, I started to lose and I mean lose pretty badly.  The funny thing was Ava's reaction as her and her daddy were kicking my butt.  She started sneaking money into my money pile from her pile.  At first I caught it and thought it was cute, as I told her thanks very much but I didnt' need handouts.  Then, I started noticing that I had an extra $50 bill or even sometimes an extra $100 bill.  Hahhaha, She had no idea what her daddy did to me a few years previous and yet, it was like she was repeating history. :)  Micah and I found this pretty darn funny and so he then started trying to help me out too. As they were both helping me they were both laughing at how funny they found themselves to be. :)

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