Saturday, June 9, 2012

Random Day with Baby J

We got the opportunity to keep little J for an overnight stay and he is getting around quite well with his crawling.  He is about 9 months old and still knows us when he sees us.  The kids get so excited to see him and the feeling is obviously mutual because he is all smiles.  He is not walking but he crawls like crazy fast and he gets into everything.  He loves to babble and laugh and he is quite the eater.  He loves to eat Cheerios and any other kind of food you give him to munch on.  His sleeping schedule is to nap in the late afternoon and then he is up until anywhere from late evening like 11:00 to early morning around 2:00 a.m. before he crashes for his good 8 hour big sleep.  He loves to party at night time, dancing, bouncing, and playing with toys. 

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