Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Day of Kindergarten

The LAST Day of Kindergarten was a glorious one!!! Ava was so excited and so ready for the summer off.  She had gotten to a point that she actually liked school for the most part, but she was ready for it to be over and to have a break.  It took us quite awhile to get to the point where we could get ready and get on the bus without crying, and look, there she is smiling away.  She wanted to wear her princess crown / tiara, and I didn't have the heart to say no.  Hey, it was the last day of school. . .what could I say?  :)  This year has been rough.  We had a great bus driver that would often call us and let us know that Ava was okay when she got off the bus at school, because she had been bawling when she got on the bus that morning. There were mornings Micah or I had to carry her up onto the bus and pry her arms off of us.  There were days we would get notes from the teacher saying she had a rough day and had been upset for the most part.  The sad part was, she was embarrassed to cry so much and be so sad, but she just couldn't help it.  It was silent but heart wrenching tears and we often cried too.  What a tough year. I think it was after Christmas until she finally announced to me one day, that she now LIKED school okay.  Looking back, even though we had wondered whether we should keep forcing her to go or home school her, I am really glad we stuck to it.  She is braver and more confidant in what she can do because she faced her fear and anxiety. I hated leaving every morning too, when I was little, but I did it and I am so proud of her for doing it too!  Mommy and Daddy and Christian are so proud of you sweet angel Ava Bean!!!

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