Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christian's Kindergarten Registration Day!!!!!

Everyone has events in there lives that they think about and anticipate and can't hardly wait for the day to arrive.  Some people dream of Birthdays, Wedding Days, Hunting Season Days, or Holidays.  Well, for our special little guy, he can't wait for Kindergarten to start. . .for his First BACK TO SCHOOL DAY.  He has been dreaming of this, and talking about this ever since August 29 of last year, when his sister first got on the bus to go to Kindergarten, leaving a broken hearted boy waving goodbye to his favorite sister.  I mentioned in the blogs of her Beginning Kindergarten Days, how hard the adjustment was for him, but I have to say it was a pretty dreadful year of him missing her.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the time just him and I but I am not sure he was as excited as me.  Every day she came home saying how she didn't want to go back and every day he would say how he wanted to go to school.  He even pretended he had school and he would make up and tell me stories of what happened to him that day in school. :)  Sometimes he would stand in front of the door waiting for her to get here and other times I would tell him he could go swinging on the swing and he would say, "no thanks, Ava is not home yet."  :( 
So, after laying the past year out on the line and all the anticipation that came with the future school year for Christian, I won't have to tell you how EXCITED he was the day we went to register him for Kindergarten. The date was set for 10:00 a.m. on March 20th.  He overheard me talking on the phone, setting up his registration time and when I got off, he was yelling and jumping up and down, so excited he was finally going to go to school.  I tried to tell him how he was not actually going to his class for a little while yet, but he was not hearing me. :)  So, the morning of Registration, daddy was home and so we took Christian to his favorite breakfast spot as a surprise.  He loves Denny's because they have softball pancakes.  When we pulled into the parking lot, he started exclaiming again about the softball pancakes. 

After we ate, it was time to head over to registration.  It was so cute because as soon as we got to the parking lot of the registration building, he started saying "goodbye mom, goodbye dad."  He was completely prepared and ready to head into "school" without us, and not the least bit understanding he was not actually going to his first day of Kindergarten.  The below picture is him walking / running ahead of us, SO PROUD of himself and totally feeling like he had "ARRIVED."  :)

I had a really proud moment, when the lady testing the children to see where they were for entrance into Kindergarten showed me how he tested. I was so proud of him and of course I started tearing up.  I couldn't believe my little baby, my sweet miracle, was really getting ready to read, knowing his letters.  The reality is, at this time next year, he will be reading to me, and I know this because I have seen Ava learn so much in one year and grow so much.  It is a great feeling but also a little sad to see how fast this year flew, and knowing the next year will probably go even faster. 

He didn't notice my tears and he just kept on looking around with so much excitement, so before long I wiped my tears and found myself excited for him.  :)  Then it was time for the bus walk through. I am so very proud of this son in my life, the one that shows me how to laugh, even when life is tough.  Christian, mommy and daddy love you and we are so Proud of you.  :)

1 comment:

  1. i can not believe he is old enough for kindergarten! and i LOVE this post. i love his huge, excited smiles. i love him walking ahead, off to school. and i'm really wanting a denny's breakfast now too :). this is so, so sweet!
