Monday, March 19, 2012

Playdate at Our Favorite Pedersen Boys' Farm House

 Jason and Westin moved into a farm house for the time being, and last week was the moving week.  There was fun to be had every night.  Jason did a little bit every night of the week before he moved, so Westin would get used to traveling over to the farm house and so he would feel a part of the moving process.  This would hopefully make the transition for Westin easier.  So, we came out to see them one night and see what we could do to help.  We brought some pizza from Domino's of course, and since the furniture was not moved over yet, we decided to have a picnic in the middle of the dining room, right on the floor.  The kids thought this was the BEST idea ever and though Jason kept teasing them about NOT GETTING ANYTHING on the floor, ;)  The kids' excitement was contagious. 
Not sure what the kiddos are doing int his picture, but they were having lots of fun. 
So much to do at this special place.  The sandbox was a hit, of course and Westin had all of his trains to play with in the sand box too.  Also, I have a sneaky feeling that the cows will not go hungry here, as Westin learned to feed them and, I am sure they will actually fatten up a bit from the extra love and attention and FOOD they will be getting. ;)  I was pulling him around in the wagon and he had a big smile on his face and said, "chelle, the cows lookin' at me!!!" He was so excited about this fact.  The kids and I sang to the cows and that brought more curious cows over to the area we were singing.  They were a great audience.  :)
There is a ton of area to ride around on bikes and riding toys and that was what the kids did for the majority of the evening. :)  The weather was bright and warm.  Such a great evening for some outside fun.  At one point, Christian was pulling Westin around in the wagon with a tractor riding toy and a rope.  This didn't last long, but Jason and Micah were discussing whether or not Westin was lazy or smart.  We all decided he was smart, for wanting to ride and not having to do the work. :)  He was very sweet, as he gave us two tours that night of his new house.

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