Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ava Gets Her Ears Pierced!!!

Ava woke up one morning and decided the time had come. . . .the time was now and she was going to get her ears pierced.  I told her that she would have to discuss it with her dear dad, so she sheepishly asked him if she could go get her ears pierced.  He said yes, though he was not extremely excited about it. :)
We called aunt Bleppies to see if she wanted to go along and be there while Ava got her ears pierced.  She wanted Sofia to go too, but then we realized Sofia was taking a nap.  So, Bleppies met us at the mall.  I snapped a few shots while we were waiting in the car for Bleppies to arrive.
One last picture of her hole free ears taken for her daddy
Then we headed into the mall.  She was nervous and excited at the same time.  One minute she was sure the next not so much. I wasn't sure if she would go through with it or not but I was anticipating her being brave and trying it. 

Bleppies and I discussed with Ava about how you had to clean them twice a day for a few weeks or they would get sore and infected.  We also told her after 6 weeks she could change her ear rings.  She picked out the little ear rings she wanted to start with and the lady informed us that because she was that only one there that day, she would have to do them one and then the other right after instead of getting both done at the same time.  We explained to Ava and told her that she couldn't get one done and not the other so she would have to sit really still even if it hurt. 

Here she is picking out her ear rings and getting ready for the big moment

She crawled up on my lap and I kept telling her she didn't have to do it but she was determined.  She wanted to get her ears done but she was so nervous.  She had to face away from me and when they did the first ear, I couldn't see her face, but Bleppies could and said it was sort of a state of shock and fear. :(  She didn't move but I could tell her eyes were silently filling with tears as the lady started on the  second ear.  When it was over I was praising her and so happy for her and she turned her head around and buried her face into me.  The lady gave her a sticker and a lollipop and through her crying she said in a sweet voice, "thank you!"  It brought tears to my eyes. :(  My sweet baby. 

We immediately went and got her ice cream and then discussed taking care of her ears again.  She was pretty proud of them though she did inform me it hurt more than a shot. . it stung longer. :)

She wanted to show the world over the next few days about her ear rings.  She would get excited about going places because "this is the first time I went to the park with my ears pierced!" or "this is the first softball game of daddy's I went to with my ears pierced!"  She wanted to keep it a surprise from her Nana, but while talking on the phone, she gave it away.  She was trying to be discreet the way five year olds are and she said, "I have a surprise Nana. . .I can't tell you but it is something about my ears!!!"  Nana guessed pretty quickly. :) 

The first 24 hours she was obsessed with whether or not they had fallen out or what if they would fall out.  She woke up at 12:00 midnight the first night and was so scared.  She had a dream that her ears got infected and her earrings fell out.  She came over to our room and crawled up in our bed.  She was crying and she said, "mommy, I think my ears are green with infection and my ear rings might have falled out."  The room was pitch dark and she wanted me to check, so I acted like I could see them in the dark, and told her they were fine and still there.  She bought it and fell back asleep, but woke up numerous to ask the same questions. :)  So funny. 

She loves to wear her hair back so everyone can see her pierced ears.  Nana bought her some pretty ear rings today and she can't wait until she is allowed to wear them.  She feels so big and grown up.  She is growing up too fast for her daddy and my liking.

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