Monday, February 28, 2011

My Little Guy That is Not so Little Anymore

Sometimes I like to update on the kids and what they are up to at this particular stage.  Christian will be starring in this entry, as I have lots to discuss about his funny antics.  He is currently 4 years old and very active
He is sooo funny and I love the fact that he is starting to be able to tell when others find him funny.  He laughs all the time, and he is always trying to make us laugh.  When he is in trouble, he tries to laugh his way out of trouble.  Sometimes this works, though we try to hide it because we know he needs to learn that he can't laugh his way out of everything in life. 
Christian is really learning a lot at his speech therapy he goes to once a week.  He loves going to his "peach Parody" as he calls it.  He says, "I go to peach parody to learn" and then he flashes you a big smile.  :)  This of course makes us all laugh as we tell him it looks as though he needs to continue to go to peach parody. ;)

He is the easiest child when by himself, and I love the days that Ava is with a grandparent and I have just him.  He is so so sweet and always randomly telling me how pretty I am or how much he loves me.  The other day he looked at me and said, "mommy, you are my family!!" then he flashed me a HUGE smile.  I love that sweet boy.  He is also a snuggler and he loves to climb up in our laps and cuddle and hug and love on us.  He loves "family time" and he loves to play 'sack of taties' with his daddy.  He also loves to play tackle and hut set hike with Daddy.

Christian thinks the world of his sister Ava and he loves to do whatever she is doing.  When she is gone somewhere, he cries and says, "I miss my Ava."  She on the other hand is not always the nicest to him.  She loves him but she is the typical first born older sibling that instigates all the time.  He handles her pretty well though.

One day, Ava was setting up a store displaying their toys, to sell to others.  The funny part was we noticed she had almost all of his toys set up for sale and not too many of her own.  :)  Anyway, she was gathering toys from around the house and talking about selling them and Christian was following her around looking at everything wondering what to do.  Finally, she tried to sell something, and he decided it was enough. He was sitting in the back of his tonka big pick up truck, rolling around, and he said so dramatically., "DON'T sell it, I NEED it!!!"  So sweet.  He is a true pack rat like his mommy. :) 
He is still usually in a good mood when waking up in the morning and he loves his Sunday School Class and his Mom2mom class that he goes to every other week.  He thinks he is in preschool and he gets so excited. When writing his letters of the alphabet, he just writes the letter "H" and the letter "I" over and over and then asks me to read it to him. He is still learning his numbers but getting better at saying the alphabet.  :)
Christian seems to have "physical touch" and "gifts" as his two big love languages.  He is a very grateful child for the gifts he receives and he is quite excitable.  He jumps up and down and exclaims "yayy, thank you thank you!!!" 
Shy he is not. . . . He will talk to anyone and loves on everyone.  He is extremely sensitive and wants to know that everyone likes him and is pleased with him.  He hates feeling as though someone is upset with him, it breaks his little heart. 

Christian loves movies of any type, some of his favorites being, Robots, Wall-e, Peter Pan, and Spirit.  His favorite shows are Calloui and Super Y.  Red is his favorite color for now, with Blue being a close second.   He likes to dance and dress up.  Pancakes and Chocolate Milk are the first things he asks for when waking up in the morning. 
He is extremely bothered by the tags on the backs of his pants and he messes with them until they are cut out.  This looks as though he walks around with his hands down his pants all the time, but it really is the tags. He has finally mastered the fact that he needs a tissue, though he thinks you pick your nose and use the tissue for the boogers, not actually blowing the booger directly into the tissue.  However, this is real progress from eating them. :) 

Well, that is just a little tidbit of who our little man is at age 4.  He is one of the GREATEST blessings in our life and we love him so much.  What a special boy!!!!

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