Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ava's Phone Conversations

Ava has been walking around for literally about 20 minutes with an old cell phone attached to her ear and she has been having a very engrossed conversation with the party on the other end.  Here is some of her side of the conversation.

"Jesus, made everything.  He made the sun and the sky and the dogs and the people. 

I know, he did!!! Isn't that great!!

Jesus opens doors and then closes them but then opens them sometimes again."

Then long pause

"Well the doors are not going to open up.  Nobody can do anything.  Jesus is really good to us, but we are already in the door."

Another pause, as though she was listening to the other party.

"Hello, yeah, sorry.  I lost the phone call.  We are not talking like Jesus, we have his voice, but he is not going to open those doors at all.  Nobody will answer me, but I know Jesus will answer me.  He can make us. . . . ."

I don't know where she gets this stuff, but I love her wise counseling. :)  So funny.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm Michelle, I cannot imagine where she gets that stuff....;) It sounds like she's been listening quite well to you on the phone! Though I love the 'we are already in the door' comment. Wonder what THAT means?! Hahaha! I love it - so cute!
