Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dressing Up to Go Out

Over the past two or three years, Ava has developed her own taste and likes to pick out her own outfits for our outings.  I have gotten frustrated with this because we battle sometimes, but we have kind of found a happy medium.  I also have always thought to myself how great it is that Christian just wears whatever I put on him with NO complaints.  Maybe this is personality or maybe it is boy versus girl, but I have appreciated it just the same.  However, as of recently, this little guy has decided he DOES have an opinion of what to wear.  I tried to nip it in the bud at first, but then decided if I was to let Ava show Independence then I should also allow him to do the same.  

The other night, I let them both get ready for a friends house we were heading to for pizza and to spend the evening visiting.  I allowed them to each pick out their outfits and dress themselves.  This is the lovely outfit our sweet little man brought out.

Yup, P.J.s and Dress shoes.  Isn't that so sweet?

Closer Look.  He was sooo proud of himself.


  1. so sweet! looking good :). loved seeing a glimpse of him in real life last week. if i'm out with the kids sometime i'd love to have a playdate!

  2. So cute! I love when little ones dress themselves.
