Monday, October 11, 2010

Ava's Explanation of Why She is Growing Up

I was feeding the kids lunch today and I overheard this conversation while I was cleaning up. . . .

Ava- "Hey Christian, you know why I get to have so many birthdays and you don't? It is because I eat things that are healthy for me and that is why I grow up faster than you."

Christian- "why?"

Ava- "see, I eat carrots and dip and broccoli and peas and I drink lots of water and I eat things that are warm so they make my body grow.  That is why I have my birthdays before  you and I am growing up faster than you."

Hmmm, I was always under the impression that she had birthdays first cause she was born first.  Oh well, her plan worked, it persuaded him to eat all of his peas on his plate and he said to me, "I growed up now?"  :)

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