Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nate & Danielle's Engagement

The Smith Family has been a part of my personal life for YEARS. I was 15 when I first met Sharon and Todd Smith as they were my youth advisers.  Sharon and I connected the day I walked into that youth room at Five Forks.  She made me feel loved and special and welcome.  The budding relationship went for years as she mentored me, I baby sat her FOUR amazing children, and we even worked together.  I became Danielle's vine leader and mentor and that kept us close over the years.    When Micah proposed to me, Todd and Sharon were there and helped get it all together.  Then in my wedding, Sharon was my Matron of Honor and her kids were in my wedding.  SO, as the years passed, we stayed close and soon enough, my kids fell in love with the SMITH kids. :)  It has been so much fun to see my kids loving on them and to have such great role models for my kids to watch and observe.  I am so grateful for this blessing in my life over and over again.  Just as Evan was my favorite little buddy while he was growing up, so Christian attached himself to Danielley. 
A year ago, we were having a get together for Christmas and Christian got on one knee and proposed to our lovely Danielle, right in front of NATE.  IT was hysterical and she said yes.  We had it all staged with cameras and Nate and Danielle were the only ones that didn't know what was coming.  We were not sure he was going , to do it but he did and he was a pro.  However, the little guy actually thought he was marrying her because, " mommy, she said yes!!!"  hahaha.

So as you can imagine, my excitement was through the roof when I got the call from Nate saying he wanted to propose to Danielle and he wanted Ava and Christian o help!  I was flattered and amazed and SO BLESSED.  What he had in mind was amazing and I was so excited we were going to be there to see and share that moment with them.  We didn't tell the kids what we were doing until we were on the way to the Bridge to meet and help set up.  Sharon and numerous others did all the hard work, but then we got there in time to light candles and set the mood.  Nate was so nervous and it was very precious.  :)  The kids gave him big hugs and the event began. 
The plan was as follows:
Danielle was to be coming with her family to the Millstone Bridge for a family photo shoot her mom had been wanting for awhile.  When they arrived, Sharon and Evan and come Shyanne were to come on down and Brady was to stop Danielle and ask her to fix something on his outfit.  That gave them all time to get inside the bridge before she came down.  Nate was to meet her outside the entrance and lead her into the amazingly beautifully romantic set up.  Pictures below explain it all. :)

We had a short prayer time to cover the whole event in God's covering and then Nate waited.  He was so sweet and I think everyone was crying by the end.  She was beautifully surprised and it was one of the neatest moments of my life I have experienced.  God is so good and these two special people definitely were meant to be and deserve every bit of happiness that comes their way. :)
Danielle and Nate were so sweet and they each took the time to later make sure Christian was okay with what had just occurred.  :)  Danielle assured him she would NEVER throw away the ring he had given her and he was good with that. :)  He gave Nate a congratulatory hug too.  Many pictures were taken and much fun was had.  We then headed over to the Shadles for an engagement party celebration.  What a wonderful event for two very awesome and dear to our heart people.  God couldn't have had two people more perfect for each other than these two are for each other.  We love you Guys!!!!
Ava's and My artwork, trying to show the progression of how this all should work. :)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely romantic share! Was invited for a reception party of my neighbor few months back. Entrance décor with pretty pleasing flowers created an amazing ambience. Liked the responsible catering staff keeping in mind all the needs of guests. Interior décor of Chicago wedding venues booked was eye catching too. Even asked about the pocket friendly budget from them.
