Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Movie Date with My Buddy

 I know I am constantly posting about our dates and how much fun we had, but I guess it is because of how special these moments are to me.  I love this little guy here and he makes me laugh all the time.  He loves movies and big screens and anything to do with watching T.V.  So when I suggested that last week before school started, that I wanted to take him and Ava to the movies.  He was so excited.  Ava doesn't really like the movies and so when she was offered to stay with Grandma and Pappy for an overnight stay instead, that was what she chose to do.  This left room for Christian and I to have a special movie date.  So, off we went to watch "Mega Mind" which we both loved by the way.  We each got our popcorn and drink and we laughed so hard.  He even let me hold him for some of the movie and I am pretty sure that had to do with the fact that he doesn't weigh quite enough to make that movie theater seat stay down right.  It takes quite a bit of effort on his part, so when I asked if I could hold him on my lap, he was more than happy to oblige an emotional mommy that was trying to be okay with saying goodbye to the baby of the house.  :)  We did have a fantastic time and definitely want to do another date soon.

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