Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ava's First Grade Open House

Mrs. Brubaker happens to be the teacher Ava was placed with this year.  When we walked in the room, Ava was excited because Mrs. Brubaker knew her name when she first saw her.  She was also excited that there were a few kids from her kindergarten class last year in her class this year.  Trevor, her little buddy, being one of them. :)  Ava was much more confidant this year getting ready to go into school, but before we showed up for her open house, she was a little nervous.  Once she met her new teacher, she was really excited.  :)  It seems she is a big one that hates change and the unknown.  Open house helped to take care of her first day jitters.   Below is she is checking out her desk with her daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I love her little expression while looking up at her daddy! Was Micah making sure everything was organized? And I love Bean's dress..such a beautiful girl!
