Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Perceptive Ear

Two nights before Christmas, I was sitting with my children and we were watching home videos, including the one of our trip to the hospital with when Ava was being born.  Then the visitors that came to see us after and hold her when she was a baby.  She was glued to the T.V. and it was about 2:30 when she started complaining of her ear hurting her. I immediately thought of an ear infection, but what are the chances of it hitting so fast. I called my friend who informed us they are very painful and they do come on pretty rapidly, so I drove her to the newly opened Greencastle Walk-In Clinic.
 I gave her a little Tylenol before we left and when it kicked in, she told me she was feeling better.  She then proceeded to tell me how she thinks she didn't have an ear sickness after all. . ."I think my ear is trying to tell me that I miss my Nana, since she lives in Missouri, and I saw her holding me when I was a baby and it was telling me I missed her."  :)  It made me smile and brought tears to my eyes all at once.  Then I told her how I missed her Nana too and couldn't wait until we could see her again. . and I told her I was pretty sure she had the most perceptive ear I had ever come in contact with. :) 
She did have an ear infection and had to be put on an antibiotic and she was in an extreme amount of pain for the majority of the evening, but was feeling much better by the following morning.  Thanks to medicine and sleep.  However, not sure the missing Nana part went away.  Today, she hugged a corner of the wall and said, "look mommy, I am hugging my Nana."  She is sweet.  She loves you and misses you Nana, almost as much as her Mommy does.

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