Saturday, November 3, 2012

Christian's Short Stories

On the first day of school, we got a special note from the teacher and she was saying how she had to make a small correction with Christian that day.  Apparently, he was in the front of the line and while in the hall, he turned around to yell at the kids behind him to "GET IN LINE" She thought this was kind of cute but had to correct him, so she asked him who was in charge here.  He looked at her so seriously and said, "ME & YOU". . .she said she was trying not to laugh as she had to correct him and tell him exactly who was the teacher.  The next morning, before he went to school, we asked him who was in charge.  He said, "Mrs. Boward."  Then he said, "I tried to be the teacher, but she told me to get in line!" :)

Christian - "mom, I got my star flipped today."
Mom - "Christian, what did you do?  Why did she have you flip your star."
Christian - "because I had to throw the pieces across the room."
Appears to me that sometimes the compulsion of doing what you want to do even when you know it is wrong, is worth the consequences because you just have to do it!  Hopefully he learns his lessons before he grows up. :)  He knew his star would be flipped but for some reason it was a necessity to throw those pieces.  Sorry Mrs. Boward.

At the kitchen table one morning, Christian and Westin were having a conversation.  Westin asked Christian why Ava didn't like school.  Christian said, "Well, Ava is just SCARED of school."

I was helping in Christian's class the other day and his teacher asked him why he had an ice pack in his mail box.  I listened as he explained it was from the nurses' office.  She reminded him that he was not to take the ice packs home and where to put them so they would get back to the nurse.  When we got home, I asked him why he was at the nurses' office?  He said he fell on his butt while running at Recess so he needed to get "fixed up"  I started questioning him and here come to find out he must visit the nurses' office frequently.  Anyone who knows Christian very well knows he ALWAYS has some sort of boo boo or reason to "need to be fixed up." as he calls it.  So what I realized is my son, the boy full of ailments, goes to the nurses' office for band aids and ice packs quite often.  I love that boy!!! I tried to explain it to him, that if he is not bleeding he or something isn't broken, he doesn't need the nurse but I am pretty sure that when I am not there to help him make those judgement calls, he will feel that anything warrants him the right to the nurse. :)

Christian's teacher pulled me a side the other day and asked me if I had issues with Christian paying attention, and if when he was asked questions did he give appropriate responses that made sense. I had to chuckle as I shared that yes this was an issue for us too.  I told her he was easily distracted and by that I meant, when carrying a toy from the living room to his room on a mission to put it away, he may stop and be distracted multiple times on the way back the hall.  :)  She said okay and that she was wondering if it was just with her or when he was in trouble.  Then she went on to share with me that the other day, she moved him to the front of the carpet so he wouldn't be distracted by the kids in front of him, but she thinks he may have seen it as a privilege. I laughed and told her that yes, he did think it was a privilege because he came home so excited and said, "mommy, Mrs. Boward moved me to the front of the carpet!! Aren't you proud of me?!?"  :)  Micah says at least we know he will be easy to please for his employer someday!!

Ever since school started Christian is working so hard at learning.  He LOVES learning which I wasn't sure whether he would or not.  He gets mad when Ava has homework and he doesn't and he cries when we have a day off.  We actually have found that the most effective threaten of punishment is to tell him if he doesn't stop, we won't let him go to school the next day.  It works every time!  So different than his sister.  He had his first sick day from school the other day and he cried because he didn't want to stay home with us, he wanted to go to school with Ava. :( He makes me smile all the time.  He is simply HIM!!

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