Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ava's 1st Grade Harvest Party

 Harvest Class Party for 1-4. . .Ava's 1st Grade Class. The kids were very excited!!! They couldn't wait to see what they were going to be doing.  When we got there, we started with a fun craft where they put together a foam turkey on a paper plate.  The kids loved this activity and Mrs. Brubaker was still there to help because she hadn't gone on maternity leave yet.  Above Ava is getting assistance from her favorite teacher, Mrs. Brubaker.  The finished product turned out great.  Then they went on to do a dance line around the room to get rid of some of their energy.  They were practicing cheers and break dancing as a class too.  The girl sitting across from Ava at the desks was her best friend Jennifer.  Jennifer was in her Kindergarten class and her first grade class. :)

 We did manage to capture a group picture at the end of the party.  The kids were so funny and were all too busy to catch them all looking at the camera at once. :)  They did have a good group this year though.  Kylan and Trevor were the two boys that loved to fight over who was going to marry Ava.  She told them they had to bring her a ring before she would agree to marry them.  They both chased her at recess too. :)  Ava's Best Friends in Frist grade were Jennifer and Uriska!


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