Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Little Man is Growing Up

I like to periodically write small updates on my kids to let me know later where they were that year. . . .things they were doing and what they were like.  I am sure I will miss lots but I hope to hit a few of my favorite highlights.
This entry is 100% about my sweet boy that is growing up so very fast. I know I am biased but I think he is so handsome and cute and he manages to make me laugh all the time, just like his daddy.  He also looks like his daddy and he acts like me. 
Christian turned 5 years old this past October and life has been so busy, that I have not gotten the chance to blog his birthday yet.  I will be blogging it though and I can't wait.  We do a BIG party for our kids 5th birthdays and so this year he got to choose what to do.  He chose a bowling Party, so I will follow this with a blog of his party. :)
A few things to mention about Christian is how loyal he is and how sensitive he is.  I know he just turned 5 and most boys at this age are rough and tough and are simply just BOYS.  That is not bad at all, but there is something a little different about this particular BOY in my life.  He is amazingly sweet and sensitive.  He understands when someone is sad, especially when he sees me crying, and then he does it.  He does what I believe is ingrained in men from the womb maybe, and that is, they try to FIX what is wrong in our lives.  What I mean is, when I am crying (which I have done a lot this year) he can be in the other room, hear me sniffle and he drops what he is doing, comes running to find me to tell me, "it's okay mommy, I make you feel better."  Then he always follows with a hug and a kiss.  He hates when I cry and is extremely sensitive to that fact. I remember being that way about my mom too.  I love this about him though. I love that he LOVES babies and smaller kids.  The sad part is that he is a little on the small side himself, so the younger kids don't take well to someone their size mothering them or nurturing them.  However, he knows he is older and so it is hard for him not to boss them around and nurture them whenever he feels lead. :)  We have to watch him around Jamie Blue Eyes and Roman, because he loves them so much, and he loves to pinch their cheeks. He touches their heads and wants to hold them.  He has really attached himself to our little baby, Jamie Blue Eyes.  Not so sure what we are going to do when Jamie Blue Eyes goes home in a week.  I was crying about this just yesterday and of course, here comes Christian to the rescue.  He wraps himself around my leg and tells me it will be okay. I told him why I was crying and he got this really sad look on his face and said, "no, we will all cry a lot if he leaves to go to his home."  I believe he will too.  I know he will miss the little guy.
Christian is very funny and has a contagious laugh.  He seems to find humor in many things, including body noises like FARTING and BURPING.  He is extremely proud when he performs one of these and gets a reaction from his daddy, which often happens. Some of his favorite random phrases when he knows not what to say, "that's Weird!!"  or  "They are so silly."  or  "What?? That makes my brains jump!"  and, "Stop!! you are making me crazy!!"  (I think he means to say, that I am driving him crazy.)  A few more phrases he uses, "Thumbs up!!" or "pound it!!"  He loves tractors, helicopters, airplanes, buses, trains, matchbox car, and his new obsession. . . . Transformers!!! He likes to walk around singing the Transformer Song and he does a pretty good job I must say. 

The Beach happens to be one of our favorite places to be as a family.  I think we try and get to the beach every year at least once, if not more.  Sometimes our trips are a weekend trip but fun just the same.  When at the beach, Christian is a sand magnet.  He loves to be buried in it and loves to lay down and let the water run up over him with all the sand in it.  You can find him digging, burying things and luckily, now that he is five, we no longer find him eating it. :)  He likes the water to watch but he is not daring enough to run out and dive into the waves.  I am personally happier with him having a healthy fear of the ocean.  Makes my job a little easier.  Just one more thing about the beach pictures above. . .check out his perfect belly and chest skin!!! What a miracle, right?  That skin was burnt off and completely replaced and brand new.  You can't even see the scars any more.  I never would have thought he would have been able to go around without a shirt to show off his belly and be proud of it.  Praise God!!!

Christian just graduated from speech therapy this year too. He currently has four more sessions and then he is done.  He has come leaps and bounds with his speech.  This boy LOVES to talk and he sometimes tries to say every thought that comes to his mind.  The thoughts are a little random, but his brain must be going 100 miles a minute and he finally can express, so he doesn't hold back.  His daddy and I tell him that he doesn't have to say EVERYTHING that comes to his mind, but hey, I feel as though I don't have too much room to reprimand on this topic. ;)

Christian is definitely "word of affirmation" for one of his major love languages along with touch.  He Needs to be affirmed and told how loved he is often.  He thrives off of compliments and that is what drives him to clean his room, is when I am building him up on how proud I am that he is so good at cleaning his room.  He also is a pack rat to the tenth degree.  He won't throw anything away and if I happen to sneak a little something by him and pitch it in the trash can, he almost always catches me and gets really upset.  Along with this pack rat trait, he is very sentimental.  He can remember who gave him what and it has real meaning to him.  For example, when I tried to finally throw away a few of his birthday cards, two months after his birthday, he cried because Reece gave him that card.  We still have the card in his room.  Another thing we noticed over this past year is that he can live in a messy room, to the point that you can't walk on the floor to get across his room without stepping on some sort of toy.  We actually experimented on this and instead of helping to clean his room, let him go for a week without asking him to clean any of it.  At the end of the week, the toys and blankets were everywhere and his room was a disaster and yet, he was not the least bit bothered.  Finally, Ava, went into his room and said, "this is a mess, I will clean it for you."  She takes after her Nana and Daddy. Christian takes after me.  Sorry about his luck. 

Christian is very good at spotting details whether it be in a book, on a road or on a movie.  He always points out Water Towers, no matter where we are.  He never misses one. . .he spots them and points them out to us.  He also is very good at directions and knows what roads take us where.  I laugh because he is a great back seat driver, always pointing out the stop signs and telling me to stop, and then telling me I am going the wrong direction or that I missed my road.  :)  He reminds me to not talk on my cell phone when driving and he helps me spot and read road signs. 

Favorites for Christian at age 5:

Favorite Movies : The Ant Bully, Iron Giant, Lion King, Transformers Show
Favorite Color: Blue & Red
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk & Coke
Favorite Food: Pancakes, Cookies, Candy, Spaghetti, Shepherds Pie
When He Grows Up He Wants to Be: Spider man, A Daddy, and most important. . A Pilot.
Favorite Place to go:  Beach
Favorite Clothes to Wear - P.J.s of any kind, all the time.
Favorite thing to do - Play bowling on the wii. . . he is really good even doing it backwards

A Prayer from His Heart in His Words at age 5:

Dear Jesus,
We can have a good day about the swing set and playing.
Help Jesus have a great day.
We can go outside and have a nice day.
SHHHHH, I am praying!!
Dear Jesus,
Dear Jesus,
I am silly, hahhahah
Have a nice day for Westin

He gets easily distracted but I had to get a prayer written down because I love that he just says whatever is on his mind. I think God would like it if we all talked to him so candidly. Who knows.  Okay, so I will end this blog.  I think I hit on a few of the bigger things that make Christian who he is.  Always thankful that he is my little man and I love him more than words can say. 

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