Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day - My World

I am a bit sappy when it comes to family.  I cry and get emotional at the strangest oddest times.  For example, the above picture of my family makes me teary eyed every time.  First of all, a month and a half before Christmas, I lost a dear friend, as I have mentioned.  When you lose someone close to you, something strange happens.  You start to take EVERY MOMENT, and EVERY PERSON at face value and you start to appreciate them in a whole new way.  Sad that it takes something so traumatic but I guess that is the way it is.  So the above picture is just a moment we happened to capture before we headed back to our house for all the crazy Christmas events to unfold before us that day.  I love that Micah is up front and center, the center of our family.  Without him, we wouldn't function.  I don't always verbally credit him enough, because I know he gets embarrassed when I do, but he really does hold us all together.  He helps me keep the house where it needs to be so I can dedicate my entire existence to taking care of our two children and at the time of the picture, that included Jameson too.  Jameson is chilling on Daddy's arm, just the way a baby does, with a full belly and no cares in the world.  Ava is totally not paying attention because she is the eldest and she is definitely off in her own little world.  Christian is half way smiling as he is probably getting told all about how he needs to "sit still and smile at the camera." all this said through clenched teeth. :) 
Below, the pictures of little J, and his sweet little face.  We didn't know at this point if we would get to keep him or not, but we sure knew he had completely stolen our hearts.  I can still remember what it was like to kiss those sweet little cheeks and some days I would do anything to do that again.  He came to us in a hard time, but I think he was a gift from the Lord, to help us have something to make us smile when life was too hard to smile about. 


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