Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My daughters obsession with McDonald's

Well, it seems as though, no matter how hard you try to help your kids not LEARN to love McDonald's. . . it must be born into them.  I thought we were doing pretty good and we could even drive past a McDonald's sign without them screaming for french fries for too long after we passed the sign.  However, I think my daughter, Ava, thinks everything GREAT starts with Mc in front of it.  Here are a few examples:

She can actually say the right words, but when she is really excited, this is what she says in their place:

Balloons - McBoons
Guitar - McTar
Piano - McPliano
Surprise - McPrize
Ice-Cream - Ice-Mccream

and the list goes on.  We have worked with her on this, but I have come to the conclusion, that things are this way because in her little over active mind, she associates "Mc" to be in front of anything good.  So when she is excited, she throws a "Mc" in front of it.  I think it is cute for now, and Micah and I are even tempted to use it sometimes, but I do hope she doesn't continue to use this over her older years.  She may be thought to be a bit odd.  :)

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