Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visiting the Farm for F Week

This post is weeks behind, but I lost my pics so it has taken me awhile to get this all together.  Our good friend Angel, from my mom2mom group, set up a tour with a local organic farm and we all got to take our kids and walk the tour.  I was extremely interested in all the farmer had to say and I loved the activities for the kids. 

The first thing he took us to see was what he called, the maternity ward.  It was mommy cows that were either VERY pregnant or had just given birth.  There was one that had given birth that day walking around.
This was the picture of the mommy that had delivered. The kids were quite intrigued.  Then the farmer went in and brought out one of the babies, so the kids could pet it and see it up closer.

Then we headed on our way up to the chicken and turkey coops.  They showed us how they moved the crates three times a day so the animals could graze on the grass.  The kids loved the chickens.  Then we headed over to the chickens that lay eggs for us to eat.  The farmer allowed the kids to reach in and help collect the eggs from the chickens nests and place them in the basket.  This was a definitely a favorite activity. 

Needless to say, there were a few eggs broken, but overall the kids did pretty well.  It was a little harder getting Christian to be gentle.  I guess he thought they were not too fragile.

Here they were more interested in the cat under the car, than in anything else.  They did have fun though and we learned alot.  AT the end they gave each of us some sample Raw Milk to try.  Christian drank it right up.

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