Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mommy and Christian play while Ava is away!!!

I don't get much time with little man by himself. I know he has a lot to say in life and he has many opinions, but I also know he is stifled by having an older sister and not getting to say all he thinks and feels.  She has a more dominant personality, so he seems to sometimes fall in the background a little.  He doesn't really act like he minds, but on Monday, when I dropped her off at gymnastics camp, he became a whole new kid.  I asked him what he would like to do while we wait for Ava.  He said, "iced coffee mom!!"  He enjoys DD iced coffees as much as I do.  :)  Kid after my own heart.  So, as we were driving (oh and he HAD to ride in Ava's seat, per his request)  He started talking.  He continued to jabber so much that I turned off the radio and we talked the whole way to DDs.  He talked about missing Ava and where she was at, and that he wanted donuts.  :) 

Once we got to DDs, we got him a bag of munchkins and then sat down and talked some more.  I also had left him pick out his own outfit that day and he was so proud of himself.  He was really trying for his independence that day and I just let him have it. I was so proud of who he was and the glimpse I got of who he was to become.  I know God has a great plan for this little guy and I am so extremely blessed to be his mom.  :)

Here are some pics of our time together.  Oh, and a side note, now everyday we drop her off at camp, he says, "iced coffee mom?"  ahahha.  He likes routine.  :)

His own outfit he picked out and dressed himself.

So excited about our donuts.


  1. so cute! i enjoy the moments i have with connor, too. something about those first-born girls that seems to dominate our time and energy. guess they get it honestly :)

  2. p.s. now you got me in the mood for an iced coffee :)

  3. i love this! i've loved my time with just misha the last school year. and a trip to d&d is a fabulous plan too :).
