Monday, May 25, 2015

Last Day of School Year - First Year Homeschooled - 2014/2015

Wow we did it!  We survived a year of homeschooling, our first year!  There were so many crazy days and sad days and lazy days and busy days and yelling days and field trip days and so many just DAYS!  183 school days accomplished to be EXACT!  I am sorry for all the exclamation marks but I was as excited to be done as they were. . because it meant we had accomplished something I was not sure could be done. . . . .we made it through the entire year of homeschooling and actually ended up with a well rounded year of education!
Honestly with all that we had hit us in this first year of homeschooling, I was pretty sure we would not survive it but. . . praise be to God and God alone, we did!  We brought a new baby home in December and Daddy was injured and had life changing surgery in February.  We also had Jameson come back to stay with us again in April.  It was a year for new beginnings and trials all in its own but then it also was a year of many victories!!!! 

Some of the things we accomplished were surprising to me too.  I plan to do a portfolio book of each year that we homeschool for the kids to keep for themselves but I had to at least address something so big in our lives in this blog. :)

Some of my favorite pros to being home and homeschooling my kids: Seeing them more often and spending more time with them, knowing the ins and outs of what they were DEALING with on a daily basis, watching them learn and retain, reading to them (when the volume in our house allowed such things), field trips, meeting their friends and hanging out with them, and the FREEDOM we had to choose when and if we were doing school on any certain day!

Lots of these days where we were sad and crying and frustrated. . . .and then lots of these days where we were happy and excited to learn. . .

Ending with these happy faces at the end of the year!  Last Day of school year 2014/2015 - May 22, 2015!

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