Monday, April 4, 2011

Victory Day for Ava's Tonsils

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 was a HUGE day in Ava's life!!!  After, literally years, of trying to get this girls tonsils out. . . they were extracted.  They were removed!!! I think the Doctor actually thought we were strange parents for cheering when they told us the tonsils had to come out.  That is correct, we were, along with all the rest of our family, cheering.
The battle has been ongoing with fevers, sore throats, stomach aches, car sickness, and Chronic Sleeplessness.  We finally decided that if they couldn't take those enlarged tonsils out of our little sweetheart, we were going to throw a fit. I was prepared to get on my knees and beg.  We went to our first ENT appointment with our guns loaded, and the doctor was very nice and sat down to hear all my mom, my hubby, and myself had to say.  Then she kindly looked at us and said, "could I take a look at her tonsils now?"  she looked in and said, "wow, they are huge.  Like golf balls.  I can take them out for that alone."  THANK the GOOD LORD. 

So that brings us up to March 22, 20ll.  We had a very anxious little girl.  She was very concerned about her "three tonsils they have to pull out" of her throat. :)  She was concerned about the needle she would get in her hand and the gas that would make her sleep.  We give her melatonin every night so we explained to her that the sleeping medicine was kind of like that and helped her to sleep and she wouldn't feel anything.  She was Leary but brave.

We got up that morning and met at the Surgical Summit Health Area for our registration.  Grandma B., Nana, Pappy, Mommy, Daddy, Christian, and Ava were all there.  We had told her she could choose whomever she wanted to go back with her while they started.  She had a hard time deciding but she did finally decide on mommy.  Though Daddy almost won that one. :)

She was nervous as they took us back to prep, but she was a brave little soul.  The nurses and techs kept her talking and distracted so she wouldn't sit and think.  She had her Lucy and they even put a hospital band on Lucy just like they did for Ava.  The nurse explained to LUCY what they were going to do and Ava comforted Lucy.  Very sweet.  Then they put us in our funny suits and were were ready. 

At one point, before we were wheeled back to the OR, the nurse asked her what football team was her daddy's favorite.  She smiled and before she answered he said, "well, who does your daddy watch on T.V.?"  he was still expecting a football team's name, but she was confused by the question and tilted her head to say in a questioning but certain answer, "pastor Hagee".  We started laughing and Micah said he agreed with me, we may have been attending Bedside Baptist too often on Sunday Mornings.

Ava kept laughing at mommy's outfit.  Here she is showing Daddy how Brave and Strong she was being.  Look at that . . .No Fear!!!
I think this was my favorite picture.  She had no idea her little bum was hanging out as daddy was picking her up to put her on his lap.  She was so cute, tiny, and innocent.

Ava with her "Favorite Daddy" as she calls him, or "the Bestest Man in the whole World"

After our picture opt, she said good bye and then she was wheeled in the chair back to the OR.   I walked along side her and she was so anxious, but she was being tough. 

When we got back to the OR, they had her climb on the table and then asked her what flavor she wanted for her mask.  She said bubble gum and then the gassing started. She was laying there, helplessly holding my hand and tears silently streaming down her face.  I was so upset for her but kept smiling and whispering to her that mommy was right here and I loved her and everything was fine.  She fell into a deep sleep and started really snoring.  I got nervous and looked at the nurse and was questioning whether this was okay and normal.  She said absolutely and that the very fact of her snoring was proof at how she NEEDED those tonsils out.  I gave her one last kiss as they moved her little limp body around and then I started silently crying.  It was so scary and so strange and so not a fun time.  The nurse was great and we soon were in the waiting room waiting to hear the news.  

Activities in the waiting room kept us occupied.  The best moment was when Grandma showed Christian a picture of a corn on the cob in the farmers book and asked what it was. . he said, without even pausing, "Deer food!"  Made his daddy a very proud man and got us all laughing till tears.

The Nurse came out in a short time, which seemed to take hours. :)  She said she was asking for her mommy. When we walked back to see her, I couldn't get over the relief that flooded into my heart as I saw her laying there and knew she was okay.  She was sort of groggy and they told us she would be sleeping all the rest of the day.  Just a note, they didn't know our Bean, cause the rest of us fell asleep but she didn't sleep at all that day.  Too funny.

My first glimpse of my baby. . . Sooo blessed and grateful to have her in my life.  :)

Grandma calling Pappy to let him talk to Ava Too and they were happy to see she was okay

Pappy praying for Ava Bean to heal fast.

Christian loving on his sister.  He really was so worried about her.  He kept asking, "Ava alright now?"

Proud Daddy glad to see Lucy made it through okay too. ;) Oh, yeah, and glad to see his Bean was okay.

Nana, checking on Ava too and telling her to go back to sleep. 

She did lean over and tell me that "mommy, that melatonyn was a lot longer and stronger than most times.  I sleeped along time"  Funny girl

The rest of the day was good and we tried our hardest get liquids down her but it got sticky for a few days, wondering if she was dehydrating.  however, she is a trooper and GOD is good and got us through.  She is two weeks out tomorrow and doing great.  Praise God and believe this or not, this girl actually sleeps.  She even said to me, "mommy, I feel like a sleepy girl now"  hahah.  Love my life!!!

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