Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jogging for injury?

Micah has been jogging quite a bit lately and the kids, especially Ava, are very intrigued by this.  She wants to do EVERYTHING her daddy does, so she keeps asking why he does it and this is followed by many  more questions.  If you know her very well, you know what I am talking about.  She has many many questions.

So, after asking her daddy if she could go jogging with him, she came to me pouting that she wasn't old enough to jog.  Now, I myself, am NOT a jogger and I HATE running and always have.  So, I decided that I would test her out.  We got ready and started out on a jog.  I figured she wouldn't make it very far. I'll have you know, that little girl and her short legs ran much further than I expected.  She ran from our house to the stop sign and back and only stopped for about 15 seconds.  Her pace was pretty good and I jogged along with her. 

Now, even as surprising as that was to me in itself, she then shocked me even more as she talked the ENTIRE jog.  She talked about how, "mommy, we jog so we can save injury for us to have injury to do other things, right?"  I knew she was talking about energy.  She she started in on all we should eat to stay healthy and how we need to take care of our bodies.  I was so impressed.

There is one part I can't leave out.  Now, I mentioned she watches her daddy and everything he does like a little hawk.  So, he usually has to spit a couple of times while running, and she must have picked up on this.  The funniest part was how while jogging and talking, she paused to try and spit and it just dribbled down her chin.  She had the most hilarious expression on her face, but she kept her composure and tried again.  The result was the same.  She didn't try anymore. :)  I had to really look away not to laugh out loud.  I have to say that was the MOST fun I have ever had in my entire life while running.  :)  Guess when in good company, it isn't so bad.

When we got back, little man was upset because he wanted to go for a jog.  I told him I would jog with him.  He went to get dressed and put on his flip flops and socks.  :)  We just literally ran around the little culdesac.  We were not even half way around and he stopped to wave and greet some boys playing on their bikes.  Then he looked at me and said he was tired. :)  hahha, Then he started to move his arms really fast as though he was jogging and yet his legs just kept walking. He kept saying how tired he was and how hard jogging was.  What a silly little guy.

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