Sunday, March 17, 2013


Christian got new socks the other night. He was so super excited about socks. :)  So when he wore a pair to bed, he woke up the next morning and only had one sock on.  When I asked him where his other sock was, he said, "I don't know, my bed must have lost it."  ahhahahha  They learn to transfer blame so quickly and at such a young age.

Christian was drawing on his board and Micah came into the room.  He had three things he had drawn on his board.  When Micah asked him what they were "A silly monkey, and this is a onion with really long legs, and a heart with a crack."  He really is doing better at the kid writing and the creativity of it all though.  Sometimes he will start to write a sentence on his board and then he will just, in mid sentence, start writing words he knows like "wow ava is did no" so the sentence might appear as follows: "I went to the wow ava did no is it."  It gives a glimpse into what goes on in that little random head thought process of his. :)  I try and help him to focus on making the sentence flow and make sense, but I still find it funny when I walk in and see his sentence and then you can see how he lost his train of thought so he just randomly writes words and sometime numbers in there too. :)

One day, Christian came home with his shirt backwards.  I asked why and he informed me that it was backwards day. I got to looking on facebook and saw that a friend of mine had a little girl in his class that came to school dressed completely backward and in fact it was backward day.  Christian is a tad bit of a follower and so before long he was in the bathroom, switching his shirt around, along with half the class.  The problem came the next week when he continued everyday to turn his shirt around and come home with it backwards.  I finally asked and he kept saying it was backwards day. I informed him it was only backwards day that past Friday and now it was regular day. :)  He argued, of course and now he was sure I was wrong.  I asked if ANYONE else turned their clothes around at school that day and he said "nope, just me!"  oh boy!!

Christian was having a conversation with me the dinner table one day and he said, "At Missouri, we are going to live there. I am moving there with my parents and my schmookies and my three kids. . .when I grow up."  I loved that he said his Schmookies, as though he is going to have that pet name for his wife someday. :)  He must have also been missing his Nana that day, as he was thinking of moving to Missouri with his parents. hahah

 We have been working on Christian with his reading and we are supposed to be reading lots of books.  He get the personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut if he reads every night. So one night, we were reading a book and I was having him attempt to read it to me.  It was a book a little above his normal reading level and so after awhile, he sighed and said, "This author did not do a good job with this book. . . .they are too hard words to read." 
After Dr. Seuss' birthday was celebrated in school. . . Christian decided in the car, “mom, I now want to be a Dr. when I grow up.  . . .It will be so hard but I really want to be a Dr. Seuss.” I love his little mind.  Daddy told him that Dr. Seuss was not a real doctor, but was adamantly informed that, "oh yes, HE was!"  Okay, so we lost that battle. ;) 

Last but least, in school they were taught to make the word WOW out of their hands and mouth.  Christian walked around doing this all year, at random and unexpected times.  It is our QUIET way of exclaiming excitement. :)  So, below I had him demonstrate so I will always have record of this sweet look on his face. :)

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