Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Best Soccer Coach EVER!!

Well, I did it again. . .I committed Micah to something he didn't ok me on first.  He had originally told me that I could 'mention' he was available to HELP coach if he was needed.  I was the one that took Ava into soccer registration so I was the one that may have mentioned that he was willing to help out with coaching.  They told me that they wouldn't need him.  . .four weeks later, he gets an email telling him that attached was his roster of his team with numbers and he was to call and let them know when he schedules the first practice.   Yeah, he was a bit frustrated with his wifey, but once his brother Scott mentored him a little on how to coach Kindergarten and 1st Grade soccer, he became a super pro.  I mean it, I know he will be embarrassed that I wrote this, but he was really good.  The kids loved him and they really learned from his coaching skills. I was impressed.  I personally really liked seeing him with a whistle. :) I think the kids enjoyed the practices and the fun games and drills more than the games. He always had a little huddle at the end of the practices and the games, trying to encourage us as a team unit.  :) 
The favorite games the kids liked to play were "What Time is it Mr. Fox?" and "Sharks and Minos"  We had three girls on our team and then five boys.  Four Kindergartners and four 1st Graders.  The below picture, Left to Right - Garrett, Elsy, Noah, Alli, Oliver, Ava, and Dominic.  We were missing Marco in this picture. :)  This picture was after our last game and we had won!!! :) The big tall handsome stud in the back . . .Yup, that is my schmookies.

Our first week, we had practice and then we got rained out for the next weeks practice.  The problem was everyone has a Bi-week where they don't have a game.  So the first week that we had a scheduled game, about two minutes after we took the field, the big storm hit and we got soaked.  We were told that due to lightning we had to have a half hour delay, but somehow the mix up was that we ended up not having a game at all because the other team was sent home accidentally.  So we didn't have a game, but the next week was our bi-week and so we didn't have a game again.  The third week came, and by then all the other teams had played at least two games but this was our first and we got creamed!!! Our poor players were lost and had no idea what they were doing.  They were so discouraged and we felt bad for them, but we knew better what to work on at practice.  They did much better every game after that. :)  However, the picture below shows the team we played for our first game.  It was the other Hamilton Heights team and our kids were friends and class mates with the opponents.  It was actually a really fun game. :)  Before the game started, we huddled the teams of friends together and took a big group shot. The little boy standing beside Ava was her special buddy "TREVOR" from her class and they were excited to see each other. 
Ava seemed to really enjoy being a part of a TEAM and she liked the practices and the games.  She wasn't always the most motivated player, but she was having fun and that was well worth it.  She loved snack time and rest breaks.  She came up with an idea for a game for the kids to play at soccer called Cherries and Birds in a Tree.  She explained the rules to Micah and she was so excited. . .so he used her idea the next practice.  She was so proud of herself.  We told her she couldn't explain the rules because it was the coaches job, but she was beaming when he was explaining her game.  Really it was just like "Sharks and Minos" but different names, but quite creative. :)  She also kept saying before each game. . "now, I have to remember not to call daddy . . .daddy, but I have to call him coach."  It was a fun two months/ 8 weeks.  The best part of the entire season for us was when the first game was over and Micah asked Ava what she thought of her first soccer game.  She thought for a few seconds and then said, "well, it just felt like we were all fighting for the ball."  She was dead serious. :)  So funny.  The other cool thing was after every game the parents would make a tunnel like thing and the kids would walk through the line with the other team as we all cheered them on!!!

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