Friday, November 11, 2011

Daddy's Little Jogger

Ava loves to Jog.  She loves exercising and feeling big and so when we are in our healthy kicks and wanting to jog or exercise, she is always right along side us, trying to keep up.  So at this particular time of the year, Micah was attempting to get back into jogging.  He had gotten out of his routine because he had injured his knew playing softball this summer and it took a good while to heal up correctly.  I myself had done some jogging with the BEAN and she can keep up with me for to the stop sign and back.  So when daddy said he was jogging, she went and got all ready so she could go along.  She begged him and so he finally gave in, because THAT is what daddy's do for little girls. 
He decided to do the loop which isn't real far, but it is far for a 5 year old.  She was ready and they made good time. I happened to catch them just as they were rounding the corner toward our house.  She saw the house and sped up to look as though she had been keeping this pace the whole time.  I later heard that she had actually done really good endurance wise, but they had stopped to walk a little bit of the way.  When she got back in, she was huffing and puffing and making a huge show of it.  SO funny.  Then daddy snuck away for his REAL jog.  :)

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