Monday, June 6, 2011

An Update On Christian

Wanting to update my blog on the things of Christian.  He has been so funny and growing up so fast lately.  One of the things we noticed about him is how he seems to be talking alot more lately.  He has improved a ton since he started "Peach Parody" last year and his therapist really does great work with him.  Some of the things he does are pretty funny and the things he says them along with the way he says them keep us laughing. 

He finally, after much practice, figured out how to bowl on the Wii.  It is very funny and he is actually really good.  He lines up his remote and ball and then, turns around to look at daddy sitting behind him and says, "right dere?"  He was doing this every time and then he realized we were waiting for it and he heard us comment on it. I think he thought we were making fun, so he stopped with the "right Dere" and we miss it.  One time, out of the blue, he said, "I bowl backward!!" and he lined it up, turned around and bowled.  He got a strike.  This is his favorite thing to do now. :)  Everyone laughs and cheers him on and he loves the attention.  He feels so big as he walks around getting his high fives from all of us bystanders. :)

His motor skills are far better than they used to be.  He shows improvement on the monkey bars and any of the other play ground equipment we play on.  He had trouble before because he was so much smaller than the rest, but he is definitely showing that he figured away to beat the short factor.

Another thing we noticed, started after his Nana and Pappy went to Missouri.  He started becoming really sensitive to people leaving him.  Well, he actually was like this before but this was something he took pretty hard.  He was sad and angry and hurt and didn't know how to express it. I think he feels people are abandoning him when they move or leave his life.  One of the first times we went up to Nana and Pappy's house after they left, he found a bear blanket from their couch.  He snuck it home and uses it every night. I asked him one night and he says it is because it makes him feel close to Missouri.  I knew that meant it made him feel close to Nana and Pappy.  He is so sweet.  He is doing better but just the other day, after daddy had a few months off work and had spent a ton of time with Christian, daddy went to his first day at a new job.  Christian cried and ignored Micah when he came home.  He later said he was mad.  He felt daddy left him.  I am sure this will work itself out in time but it is sad to see him feel these emotions. I hope I know how to help him work through and learn to express and deal with what he is feeling. :)

Christian loves wearing his flip flops and his crocs and most of the time you will find him in either PJs or swimming trunks.  This is him dressing himself.  He is now fully potty trained and SOOO proud of himself, though he still thinks I should give him CANDY when he poops in the potty. I told him that if he eats a piece of candy every time he poops, he will have problems.

Christian loves Calliou and Iron Giant movie right now.  He drinks juice, soda, and CHOCOLATE MILK if offered.  He hates to work and says "my legs are tired" or "I can't do that, it too hard."  He is learning to clean his room but still finds ways to finagle his way out of work. :)  This will be something we focus on a lot next year while Ava is at school. 

He is great at riding his bike with training wheels and he loves to help me water my plants in my garden.  He laughs hysterically when he farts and then after I glare at him, he says, "cuse me."  He loves his sister and misses her when she is away. 

He loves spending time with his daddy, doing boy things.  He loves to also snuggle with mommy and be babied by mommy.  He is growing up so fast and I am amazed at all the ways he is changing and all the things he is learning. I love him and I feel so grateful and blessed to have this sweet special boy in my life, as my son. 

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