Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is Coming!!!

I always love the first warm days of the year.  By warm I mean the days you can walk outside and feel the warm sun shining on your face and hang out in a jacket or a long sleeve t-shirt without getting cold.  However, the best part is it isn't hot enough to sweat either.  I love the smells and the chirpy bird sounds. :)

My kids love this too, just as all kids do.  It is the sign of new beginnings and I love to focus on this.  So, the other day was one of the first warm days out and the kids wanted to fly kites, eat a picnic, swing on the swings and ride bikes.  They were so excited and spent most of the day outside.  We happened to be spending the weekend (which sadly may be one of the last for awhile) at my parents current house. . the homestead.  This is such a nice place for the kids to play with out being in too much danger of anything hitting them or hurting them.  They explore, and play and just love life.  I captured a few pics of them playing outside as they packed their own picnic.

Their picnic consisted of carrots, peppers, and dip along with cookies, water, granola bars and candy.

After awhile, I peeked out and this is what I found.  They had sat two lawn chairs up and were lounging just enjoying the weather.  They looked like they were carrying on a great conversation and just enjoying each other.  I love that they have one another to spend time with. Hopefully some day they will love each other the way my little bro and I love each other. :)  Great memories.


  1. oh my gosh...where did you get that little stove toy? i had one of them as a kid and totally forgot about it until i saw that!!

  2. so sweet! i love the lawn chair pic! i am so excited for spring too. we had a few long afternoons outside last week which i loved :).
