Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ava's 2nd Grade Project on Landforms


Ava had a project on landforms and her project topic was Valleys.  She had to fill out a research paper by doing her own research on line and in Library books.  Then she had to show some kind of landform model.  So we made this project with U-shaped and V-shaped valleys and then she painted it.  I thought she did a pretty good job.  She was nervous to give her presentation but she did it anyway!

Her cue cards she used as she gave her little presentation before her class was as follows:

Card #1 - My project is on a valley
Card  #2 - A valley is a low area of land between mountains
Card #3 -  Valleys can be formed by water or snow erosion
Card #4  - The bottom of a valley is called the floor
Card #5  - The valley soil is good farmland, rich in vitamins

The research paper was just answering many questions like what is the definition of your landform and so on and so fourth. I thought she did a great job.  She got what would be equivalent to an A in class for her project. :)  I guess the tough projects have started!

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